So we were out hiking last Sunday, a spectacular day to be sure....the right amount of heat and sun, a nice breeze to ensure that we were not a bug banquet (goddamned black flies - voracious little bastards they are!) and of course the company, Spam and Sherpa Boy - one could not ask for a better time. We had packed a light picnic with some choice libations and did a mildly challenging hike.
I have my good days and my bad days when it comes to being physical....sometimes my body does not cooperate in that I know what I want to do but those nervous system thingies are not on the same page. When that happens I get quite cranky because I can remember doing some very arduous hikes, alone, and having full cooperation of my body.
There are advantages though to stumbling and bumbling in that I am forced to look down a great deal in order to ensure that I do not fall flat on my arse or twist my ankle in some crevasses and by virtue of looking down I find this whole other world waiting to be photographed, that of the macro shooting settings for bugs and tiny wildflowers.
Because this spring has been uncommonly warm, perfectly wet and dry, I knew that I would come upon an orchid patch somewhere. I did not expect however to find one that was as far removed from a waterfall micro environment as this patch was. This part of the trail, on a part that Spam and I call the "moonscape" is a patchwork of pre-Cambrian shield interspersed with tall pines, many of which due to their wide and shallow root spread, tend to blow over during the many squalls that this area gets. But it is in the crevasses of the rock spreads where the magic can occur.
A spongy moss and lichen bed on either side of the "trail" had growing in it at least 50 orchids but there was only this one blooming. My companions would not have noticed but I did and I was so happy. Having a slight disability has its good moments to be sure. I know that in the next couple of days I will be rewarded when I return with hopefully a larger bloom spread.
Ah, but some of you may ask why the porn reference? That should be obvious if you, as a guy, have enjoyed the wonderful aspects of certain bits of the female anatomy. Oh, I do not leave the Sapphic followers out here - oh no.....but the tending of orchids and the fascination with them does have a great many male devotees and more so than most other kinds of flowers but then again I do not believe orchids are exactly flowers as we consider such.
So I ask Sherpa Boy the obvious question as to why some men are dedicated to orchids other than the more technical aspects of "taming" them......"well, they do look like engorged clits!"....bless his heart. Of course we all laughed. I love my friends for they are just as naughty as me.
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This is a test of me posting a comment. Last time I asked the rhetorical question : Is this the answer to "Shut up and Drive?
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